Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm 6 Months Old!

Can you believe it?  Half a year has gone by since I took my first breath.  At six months of age I'm enjoying a daily dose of rice cereal in addition to my usual formula.  I also tasted some squash this week, thanks to my adventurous daddy.  I started going to daycare a couple of weeks ago.  I really liked hanging out with Mommy in her office, but at daycare there are lots of fun faces for me to look at and bunches of new toys.  I like it there and Gavin seems to like it too.  I haven't rolled over at my house yet, but I did roll from my back to my belly once on my very first day of daycare, much to Mommy's chagrin.  I'm continuing to love my jumperoo and I'm getting better control of my hands all the time.  My big brother seems to be taking a little more interest in me now that I'm taking a little more interest in him.  My half birthday is extra special because I get to spend it with my Nana and Papa who arrived last night, almost 6 moths to the day since they arrived for their last visit to welcome me into the world.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julie! Viv is soooo beautiful! She looks so animated and happy. I love how you've done a blog to track her childhood, what a great idea. I hear news through the grapevine once in a while, such as the possibility that the Chard family may be moving to South Jordan? If that is true it's definitely exciting. I hope everyone is doing great and that Brandon is enjoying his new job.
