Saturday, June 18, 2011


The only thing I like more than taking a bath is taking a bath with my big brother.

Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm 8 Months Old!

Do I look bigger to you?  Mommy is pretty sure I grew 6 inches in the past 2 weeks.  That's probably not true, but since my last post I have grown two teeth!  They're front and center on the bottom.  It hurt a little bit when they came in, but I hardly complained at all.  Just drooled a lot and used my new-found talent of grabbing things with both hands to shove whatever was within reach into my mouth, including but not limited to my feet and Mommy's cell phone.  I really enjoy bath time.  I like to kick my legs and make the water go all wiggly.  I also like to lay on my back, but I'm finding that it's fun to roll onto my tummy too!  For a minute.  Once I remember that I can't roll back onto my back all by myself I get kind of angry.  I'm eating all sorts of fruits and vegetables now, as well as lots of different cereal grains.  I've even tried chicken!  So far there's no sign of the diarrhea that I had when I was drinking Mommy's milk.  One day soon she'll get up the gumption to pull some out of the freezer and see if it agrees with me or not.  I sure do love my brother Gavin.  If he smiles, I smile.  If he laughs, I laugh.  If he cries, I cry.  He likes to jump over me when I'm laying on the floor.  I think it's hilarious, but Mommy and Daddy aren't as impressed.