Sunday, March 27, 2011

I don't need glasses...

I drink right out of the bottle!  Especially if my cousin Kenzy is holding it for me.
As of about a week ago I officially switched from Mama's milk to nothing but hypoallergenic formula.  At first it seemed to have done the trick to rid me of my diarrhea, but by Friday evening the darn stuff was back and it hasn't left since.  On to the next set of tests and hypotheses...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lucky Me

I have a Grandma who makes sure that I have an outfit for every occasion and St. Patrick's Day is no exception.

Like Snoopy says, I'm so lucky!

Knitted by Hand

I got a wonderful surprise in the mail the other day: A hand-knit sweater with matching beret from my Nana and Papa's friend Linda.  Purely by coincidence the pink and lavender outfit I was wearing that day coordinated perfectly with my new knitwear.  Here's what Linda wrote on the note she enclosed:
"Dear Julie, I hope I didn't miss a size 'window' for Vivian. Just got busy with several family babies - 2011 was quite a year - 3 in October. We think of you often and loved your Christmas card. Gavin looked so happy!  Was Brandon tickling him?  Love, Linda & George. PS - The beret might be too much!"

What do you think; is the beret too much? 

I don't think so either!

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm 5 Months Old!

Man, am I growing fast or what?  In the past month I've really started enjoying playing with toys and my hands have found my toes!  I'm getting better and better at getting my hands to do what I want them to do.  I've also started using some new equipment: I kinda slouch in my high chair, but it's fun to be joining the rest of my family around the table at dinner time. I have a new jumperoo that I've enjoyed exploring with my eyes and hands, but I need a 'booster' underneath so my feet can touch the ground.  I'm still suffering from green-slimy-poop syndrome, which seems to bother my parents a lot more than it bothers me.  They're still pushing the bottle on me and I really don't mind it much if it's filled with yummy breast milk, but I refuse to drink that nasty hypoallergenic formula.  I still enjoy taking baths with (or without) my big brother.  He seems to be getting a little more interested in me now that he can get me to smile at him.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Grandma Debby Did It!

Grandma withstood 20 solid minutes of serious protesting on my part today because she was bound and determined to get me to take a bottle.  I really like my grandma, so I finally gave in, latched on, and drank it down.  You know, it really wasn't all that bad.  Later on in the day I even let Daddy feed me a little bit!